Why e-cigarette ban in India will do more harm than good
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Why e-cigarette ban in India will do more harm than good

n September 2019, the Indian government banned e-cigarettes in the country citing the need to prevent potential health risks to India's youth. But is a ban the most effective tool to achieve this objective?

In this video, we examine the approaches adopted by the US and UK to discuss why a ban can often do more harm than good.

The video is based on an article by Anupam Manur, Assistant Professor at the Takshashila Institution.

You can read the article here.

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8 things to unlearn before learning public policy
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8 things to unlearn before learning public policy

Are you interested in public policy? If yes, then this video is for you.

But before learning about public policy, you need to unlearn certain things.

In this video Pranay Kotasthane, a Takshashila faculty, explains 8 things to unlearn before starting your public policy journey.

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Why does the Arctic Matter to India?
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Why does the Arctic Matter to India?

The Indian government has unveiled a draft Arctic policy. But does the faraway region hold any significance for India? This video takes a look at why the Arctic matters to India for important environmental, economic and strategic reasons.

Read the book chapter here.

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Minimizing India's Expenditure on Defence Pensions, we have a Solution!
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Minimizing India's Expenditure on Defence Pensions, we have a Solution!

India’s burgeoning defence pensions expenditure is unsustainable and begs immediate action. Starting with the Kargil Review Committee, many solutions have been mooted over the last two decades to address this problem but none of them has fructified. Meanwhile, the expenditure has ballooned after the implementation of the One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme.

In this video, we try to address this issue, proposing solutions that will not only help mitigate budgetary challenges but also strengthen the external and internal security system.

Find our discussion document here.

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Increasing India's Integration in Global Supply Chains
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Increasing India's Integration in Global Supply Chains

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a fresh impetus for States and corporations to diversify supply chains, with political and security risks dominating their thought processes. This creates opportunities for India, particularly since it does not fare favourably vis-a-vis its competitors on economic indicators.

But, how can India do this? Watch this video to find out.

Find the link to our discussion document here.

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How India Can Produce Rare Earths for the World
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How India Can Produce Rare Earths for the World

India’s rare earth deposits could power an industry potentially worth Rs 90,000 crore in annual turnover, even as China has dominated this market by exploiting its reserves.

How should India change its approach to this industry and what steps should it take to utilise this opportunity? Here’s our solution.

For a detailed graphical analysis of this topic, download our discussion document here.

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What Serosurveys tell us about India's COVID-19 caseload
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What Serosurveys tell us about India's COVID-19 caseload

According to official reports, COVID-19 has infected 8.41 million Indians as of November 2020. Molecular diagnostics tests (RT-PCR/TruNat/CBNAAT) and rapid tests (antigen) have so far been used for testing active infections. However, experts argue that this number may be an under-reporting of the true disease burden.

In fact, results of serosurveys across the country indicate a serious gap between the estimated number of cases and reported number of cases.

This video explains in brief what Serosurveys are and how they can help us tailor our public health response to COVID-19.

For more details, check out our discussion document here.

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Protecting India’s submarine cables
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Protecting India’s submarine cables

Submarine cables are critical to ensure digital connectivity, which is critical for economic and national security. But these cables can be vulnerable to attacks by an adversary or can be damaged during natural disasters. Here’s a look at how India can ensure the safety of its submarine cables.

For more insights, you can read our discussion document here.

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China changes track on BRI amid pandemic
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China changes track on BRI amid pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on China’s and the world economy along with the intensification of geopolitical tensions between China and the US have amplified certain pre-existing risks while also creating some opportunities. In response, the Chinese government has gradually begun to shift its approach to BRI, readjusting its priorities.

In this video, we analyse this shift and outline possible scenarios for BRI in the post-COVID world.

For a detailed analysis, read our research document over here.

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How to Vaccinate India against COVID-19?
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How to Vaccinate India against COVID-19?

Acquiring and deploying the COVID-19 vaccine is going to be a major challenge in India, given its population and public health infrastructure. But we have a plan. Watch the video to learn more.

For a detailed account of our recommendations, read our discussion document here.

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India’s Theatre Command System: A Proposal
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India’s Theatre Command System: A Proposal

As soon as India's first Chief of Defence Staff was appointed, talks had begun for the formation of Theatre Commands.

Theatres Commands are very useful to facilitate flexible inter-service cooperation and therefore optimal utilisation of assets, especially during wartime.

This video briefly proposes a structural framework for India’s Theatre Command system.

Check out our discussion document over here.

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Reopening Schools in India post-COVID
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Reopening Schools in India post-COVID

Keeping schools shut is impacting the overall development of

children and taking a toll on parents, who are working at home and taking care of young children.

In this context, various state governments are considering restarting schools for the new academic year.

But, is that the right step?

Do we have other better options?

In this video, we give some recommendations regarding the same.

Check out our policy advisory here.

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The Galwan Crisis: Lessons for India from Doklam
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The Galwan Crisis: Lessons for India from Doklam

The 2017 India-China standoff in Doklam, at a crucial trijunction between India, China, and Bhutan, was widely hailed as a victory for India. But China has not respected the status quo in areas contiguous to the face-off site.

What really happened in 2017, and what has happened since then?

What implications does this have for India's national security and its China policy?

This video aims to answer these questions.

To read our research document, click here.

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China's aggression in South China Sea amidst the Pandemic
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China's aggression in South China Sea amidst the Pandemic

The South China Sea is an important waterway that connects east and south Asian countries to Europe and Africa.

It is of great commercial importance to various countries.

While all other countries are busy handling the pandemic, the country from where this COVID crisis started is busy in trying to make geopolitical gains in this region.

In our research, we analyse its reasons regarding this and speculate its possible outcomes.

To read in detail, click here.

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