ORF Issue Brief - Reevaluating Bioweapons Amid Global Political Fragility

This article was published by Shambhavi Naik as a Issue Brief : Shambhavi Naik, “Reevaluating Bioweapons Amid Global Political Fragility,” ORF Issue Brief No. 603,January 2023, Observer Research Foundation.

Unstable political systems, ineffectual international organisations, and unprecedented technological advancements have created a global environment that can enable the development and deployment of bioweapons. New-age bioweapons could be used for more than just as weapons of mass destruction. This necessitates a new approach to mitigate risks by staying apace with technological development. India must take a leadership position at the Biological Weapons Convention while strengthening internal surveillance and healthcare systems to ensure its biosecurity. Investments in emerging technologies will be crucial to deter biosecurity threats.



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