Views on Heritable Gene Editing: Survey from India

Heritable gene editing applications are currently banned in India. These applications are also considered unethical in many parts of the world. This survey seeks to understand views of the Indian public on heritable gene editing. The survey finds that a majority of Indians approve of heritable gene editing to treat or reduce risk of a genetic disease. These results are independent of respondents’ views on abortion or use of in vitro fertilisation. Prior knowledge of gene editing increases the likelihood of accepting gene editing applications. Religiosity of the respondent appears to play a role in accepting gene editing, with those highly religious less likely to approve gene editing. Finally, exacerbating inequality appears to be the most perceived risk of introducing gene editing in India. Based on these results, we recommend the government invest in heritable gene editing research and development to create more affordable indigenous gene therapy products and co-opt religious institutions in increasing awareness about gene editing.



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