Clingendael Report – Enhancing India–EU Engagement on ‘Meta-Critical’ Technologies: A Case for Collaboration on Semiconductors

The chapter titled ‘Enhancing India–EU Engagement on ‘Meta-Critical’ Technologies: A Case for Collaboration on Semiconductors by Pranay Kotasthane was published in Clingendael Report on Strategic Tech Cooperation Between the EU and India, edited by Vera Kranenburg and Maaike Okano-Heijmans (December 29, 2022).

Read the full report here.


Towards greater India–EU alignment through tech?

Technology holds tremendous promise in deepening partnerships between India and the EU and its member states. Successful international partnerships require: 1) a convergence of interests; 2) a broad alignment of values; and 3) complementarity in strengths. In technology, perhaps more than in any other field, India and the EU are broadly aligned on all three parameters. For instance, both partners are deeply concerned with digital sovereignty and power distribution in the digital world. Both are committed to upholding democratic values. While there are differences in approaches to governing big technology firms, data governance and IP protection mechanisms, there is convergence on core values. Regarding complementarity, while India’s strength is human capital, the EU brings deep expertise, infrastructure and capital to the table. The India–EU Trade and Technology Council can become a forum to forge deeper ties and iron out differences, with the aim of widening technology access, not just for each other, but for the world.



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