MS Bharatha Iyengar Award Bestowed on Karthikeyan Madathil

Karthikeyan Madathil, student of the 12th batch of the Graduate Certificate of Public Policy (GCPP), has been awarded the MS Bharatha Iyengar Award for his outstanding performance in the programme.

The MS Bharatha Iyengar Award is based on Mr. Bharatha Iyengar, who was an exceptional civil engineer in Tamil Nadu’s port systems. Bharatha Iyengar, born in Mysore, participated in the Quit India Movement before taking high school exams and also became a rank-holder in Karnataka. Mr. Iyengar was passionate about education and mentored numerous individuals in his lifetime.

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Karthikeyan is currently the Director of Algorithms and Analytics at a startup creating revolutionary instrumentation for molecular analysis.

GCPP helped me think deeper in several topics of interest to me, as well as explore new topics and ideas related to Public Policy. The rigour and breadth of reading required for the course helped solidify my grounding in policy.Β  It has helped me analyse issues in a formal manner and communicate the results persuasively.

The Graduate Certificate in Public Policy is Takshashila's flagship educational programme. The 12-week course is networked and largely online, and meant for working professionals and full time students from across the world. The course is offered three times a year. Applications are currently open for the summer cohort.



Nidhi Gupta Quoted in The Guardian


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