Nidhi Gupta Quoted in The Guardian

Nidhi Gupta was quoted in an article with the guardian on the recent amendment of the Maternity Bill in India.

The article discusses multiple viewpoints on the amendment and argues on the success rates of such an amendment. It discusses the positive reception of the bill, and on the other hand presents a counterargument of the tentative success rates of the amendment due to the large size of the informal economy.

"Women bring as much skill and talent to the table as men do. We go to the best schools, best colleges, as we are as talented and skilled as men are. So why should we be excluded? The argument that employers will be reluctant to hire women over maternity leave is unproven. β€œIn the UK, when they introduced the Equal Pay Act, the same argument was made. But actually studies have shown that it has not made employers less willing to hire women,” said Nidhi Gupta.

Click here to read the full article.


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