#6 Evolving Urban Landscapes: Urbanisation Dynamics in Tibet and Their Regional Implications

This post is taken from the Takshashila Geospatial Bulletin. Read all editions here.


  • China is strategically advancing urbanisation in Tibet to strengthen its control over the region.

  • In recent times, several new urban areas have emerged, although the pace of urbanisation remains relatively slow and is not as rapid as that observed in other parts of China.

  • The article focuses on Tibet's swift urban growth and examines a few driving factors like population and their wider effects.

  • The geospatial data is used to assess the urban extent and visualise the complex terrain.

  • China is strengthening its role in the region with enhanced military and economic ties, plus new air routes between Kathmandu and Lhasa, opening doors for tourism and collaboration.

Read the full post here.


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