Space Reforms in India: A Job Half Done

Published July 10, 2024

Executive Summary

A nation's technological capabilities in space are paramount β€” economically and strategically. India needs to take the space reforms forward by addressing the gaps in the policy regime. The following are the recommendations:

  • The policy guidelines on space regulation must take the form of legislation and draw on inputs from academia, policy experts and industry.

  • Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) has promotional functions in its mandate that conflict with its primary role as the space regulator. These conflicts must be addressed. 

  • IN-SPACe cannot remain an autonomous body under the Department of Space. It needs independence and separation. It should be provided with statutory backing. Additionally, a disputes settlement and appellate tribunal is necessary. 

  • Government procurement will be a key driver in developing the commercial space industry. The government should serve as an anchor customer to reach and sustain the criticality of demand needed to nurture an emerging private space sector.




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