Takshashila and NIAS Co-host the Book Launch of Not War Not Peace

The Takshashila Institution, in collaboration with the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), hosted the book launch of Not War Not Peace: Motivating Pakistan to Prevent Cross-Border Terrorism, at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISc Campus, Bengaluru on 28 September 2016.

Not War Not Peace has been written by two experts in the field of nuclear policy, Dr. George Perkovich and Dr. Toby Dalton. Dr. Dalton, one of the authors who serves as the co-director of the nuclear policy programme at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, was present at the event.

The book launch was followed by a panel discussion on the concepts outlined in the book. The discussion saw several eminent personalities such as Vice Admiral (Retd.) RN Ganesh, Former DG, Indian Submarine Programme, Vice Admiral (Retd.) Vijay Shankar, Former C-in-C, Indian Strategic Forces Command and Arun Vishwanathan, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore. Pranay Kotasthane, Fellow & Head of Geostrategy Programme at Takshashila was also one of the members of the panel discussion.

The scholarly work has been reviewed by Pranay Kotasthane in the Business Standard. The full review can be found here.


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