Rohan Seth quoted in Logically on the portrayal of surveillance tech in Family Man season 2

Rohan Seth was quoted in a Logically article on the portrayal of surveillance tech in Family Man season 2. On the question of whether the show treats the breach of privacy in the name of national security, Rohan said:

As someone who looks at issues in tech policy regularly, I feel like the precedent set by the show is a bit accentuated to favor the state. I like the series and understand that it is the story of a spy who tries his best to protect his country and that might not be the ideal setting to have a conversation on privacy. I also understand that the state has a duty to protect its sovereignty and its citizens. However, there is little representation of what methods to enable surveillance coupled with the absence of adequate safeguards will do to society. “I remember watching that scene and the government operative chiding Tiwari for running personal requests on government systems and thinking to myself about the importance of procedural safeguards and oversight. We trust our smartphones with our deepest secrets and most personal conversations. The idea that our information can be breached with little to no regard for our right to privacy was frightening to me.

You can read the full article here.


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