Pranay Kotasthane Quoted in the Sunday Guardian

Pranay Kotasthane was quoted in an article with the Sunday Guardian.

The Israeli media is filled with articles outlining the significance of the visit by PM Modi, India’s first Prime Minister to visit the West Asian nation. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to accompany the Indian Prime Minister through most of the three-day visit.

Pranay Kotasthane, research fellow at the Takshashila Institution, said, “India decided to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992. With Russia’s decline, India had become a key market for defence equipment manufactured in Israel. Israel also positioned itself as a conduit for India to explore economic and trade opportunities with the US in the post-Cold War era.

After this change, Israel increased its collaboration with India in technical sectors such as agriculture and defence. Going beyond the traditional areas of technical cooperation, Israel now views India as an economically powerful actor—as a source for tourists, as a source of investment in its acclaimed start-up ecosystem, and as a buyer of advanced defence and agriculture technologies.”

The full article can be read here.


Pranay Kotasthane Quoted in The National


Devika Kher Quoted in the Hindustan Times