Pavan Srinath and Saurabh Chandra's initiative, The Citizen Weather Network featured in Citizen Matters.

Pavan Srinath and Saurabh Chandra's initiave The Citizen Weather Network featured in Citizen Matters. The Citizen Weather Network aims to capture real-time weather data from 30 locations in Bengaluru and make it freely available for public view over a web API.Weather Web proves that Jayanagar is hotter than Hebbal"The initiative, is the brainchild of Pavan Srinath, Head of Policy Research at Takshashila Institution in Ulsoor, started in the form of a blog - Know Your Climate. As Srinath puts it, the blog was an attempt to make a serious study on the climate change by analysing the existing data available in the public domain, and placing it before the public in a simpler way. In 2014, Saurabh Chandra, CEO of Razorfish Neev, joined hands with Srinath to bring the idea to fruition....The project which began as an experiment to gather microclimate data, has now taken shape of a community project with an objective to involve citizens in the process of tracking weather conditions and promote scientific temper. With the success of the beta testing process, a few like-minded people showed interest in installing weather stations on their roof tops too."Read the rest of the piece here.


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