Nitin Pai Quoted in Mint

Nitin Pai has been quoted in an article in Mint titled ‘Will Cauvery water war lead to a constitutional crisis?’

The article highlights the ongoing Cauvery river water dispute between the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and the former’s endeavour to pass a resolution to defer the Supreme Court’s verdict on Cauvery waters. The following is an excerpt from the article:

Nitin Pai, co-founder of policy think tank Takshashila said, “The ground rules must change: the principle on which water is allocated cannot be based on an arbitrary historical snapshot of the South Indian economy. Unless we move to principles that acknowledge water is scarce, water use patterns are changing rapidly, have incentives for new technology and allocations need to keep pace with the economic growth, we will be doomed to social acrimony, constitutional crises and political violence.”

The full article can be read here.


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