Nitin Pai Delivers a Talk at Manthan Samvaad 2017

Nitin Pai delivered a talk organised by Manthan Samvaad on a topic titled 'Where the Mind is Without Fear.' With a prolific speaker list comprising of Yashwant Sinha, Former Finance Minister, Varun Grover, stand-up comedian, and several stalwarts, the event was marked with monumental discussions and exchange of ideas.

Rabindranath Tagore’s “Where the mind is without fear” is perhaps the most popular poem in India. Written in 1901 when India was under British colonial rule, it painted a lofty vision of freedom for the country and for the individual, that transcended a mere change in who ruled over India.

Today almost 120 years after he wrote the poem, and after almost 70 years as a liberal democratic republic, how close are we to achieving the goals the poet outlined? Where and how much have we progressed? Where and how much have regressed?

The event was featured in the Times of India as well. One of the salient quotes during the lecture:

Movement of fake news and narratives has become rampant throughout our society. One of the most important duties of parents is to teach their children how to discern the truth, spot fake news and search for facts on the internet. The ability to discern the truth is the single biggest gift that can be given to children.

Mathan Samvaad is organised on October 2, every year since 2013, where the finest minds come to deliver talks on things that matter.


Takshashila Hosts Ravi Narayan


Nitin Pai Quoted in The Reuters