Manoj Kewalramani’s interview with The China Project on reading the People’s Daily

Manoj Kewalramani, chair of Indo-Pacific Studies and a fellow at Takshashila Institution, gave an interview to The China Project on reading China’s People’s Daily and his work on the newsletter Tracking People’s Daily. He was quoted as saying:

“You describe Tracking People’s Daily as munching the proverbial sawdust of the CCP’s messaging by the bucketful? Why do it?

My flippant answer is that I do it every day out of a deep sense of masochism. I started reading the People’s Daily (民日报 rénmín rìbào) and Chinese media regularly. I worked with Chinese media as a journalist, so I was very familiar with the ecosystem. Once I moved to research, I saw that there was lots of oversimplification of Chinese policies and thought processes and that, since China was closing down, it was becoming much easier to not think deeply about how Chinese leadership, policymakers, and people communicate themselves and see the world.”

Read the full interview here.


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