Manoj Kewalramani’s quoted in CNN on BRICS Summit

Manoj Kewalramani, chair of Indo-Pacific Studies and a fellow at Takshashila Institution, was quoted in CNN on the BRICS Summit held in August. He was quoted as saying:

Bangalore-based analyst Manoj Kewalramani pointed to a view across the developing world. “There is a lot of frustration that Russia initiated the war, but there is (also) this acknowledgment that you need two hands to clap and there are things which NATO and the United States did” to spark or prolong the conflict, he said.

When it comes to these countries’ interest in seeing the war end, “they will see that isolating Russia doesn’t help them,” said Kewalramani, who heads Indo-Pacific studies at the Takshashila Institution research center.

Countries instead are looking at BRICS as a means to deal with challenges like climate change and limited access to capital and technology, and are deciding to move toward it as “the West seems to be closing in on itself,” he said.

Read the full article here.


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