Anand Arni quoted in The Indian Express

Takshashila advisor Anand Arni was quoted in The Indian Express in two separate articles.In an article dated 31st July 2015, on Life after Mullah Omar, Arni was quoted saying "Mullah Omar’s death is going to intensify the factionalism within the Taliban”In an article dated 3rd August 2015, on the IC-814 hijacking and the new Taliban chief Mullah Akthar Mansour, Arni who was a part of the team that went to Kandahar to negotiate with the hijackers of the Indian Airlines plane was quoted saying "Mansour was present at the Kandahar airport that day. He was wearing flashy dark glasses and sitting at the wheel of his Land Cruiser".IE-Arni-Aug3-1 IE-Arni-Aug3-2 


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Nitin Pai at the Opportunity Town Hall