The Israel-India Relationship: Innovating For The Future

Takshashila Institution is partnering with the Israeli research center, Abba Eban Institute to launch a webinar series on High-Tech Geopolitics: Perspectives from India and Israel.

The first webinar of the series, ‘The Israel-India Relationship: Innovating for the Future’ will feature as panelists:

  1. Amb. Ron Malka, Israeli ambassador to India

  2. Amb. Sanjeev Singla, Indian ambassador to Israel

  3. Amb. Ron Proso, Head, Abba Eban Institute

  4. and Nitin Pai, Director, Takshashila Institution


Takshashila India-France Dialogue: Exploring New Frontiers In The Strategic Partnership


#BookLounge: India’s Bravehearts - Untold Stories from the Indian Army