Takshashila Hosted Dr. Brian Weeden for a Discussion on Outer Space

Takshashila Institution organised a discussion on outer space with Dr. Brian Weeden (Director of Program Planning for Secure World Foundation) on Wednesday, January 12, 2023. Prof. S. Chandrashekar (National Institute of Advanced Studies), Group Captain Anand Rao, Ashok G.V. (Partner, Factum Law) and Shreyas Mirji (Digantara) also participated, along with staff from Takshashila.

We discussed India's position on joining the U.S. led moratorium on destructive direct ascent anti-satellite missile (ASAT) testing, and the possibility of participation in the Artemis Programme and related issues.


Shambhavi Naik at the Think20 Inception Conference, New Delhi


Event Report | Takshashila Ideas Shala 2023