High-Tech Geopolitics: The 5G Conundrum

The fifth generation of cellular networks, 5G, promises to kickstart a revolution in the telecom and technology sectors. While economic opportunities are likely to be amplified, so are the risks. This makes 5G critical from strategic and national-security perspectives.

In addition, deepening Sino-US contest over the future of emerging technologies makes it all the more imperative for states like India and Israel, which pride themselves on innovation, to identify new modes of cooperation.

This event will explore the challenges and opportunities before Israel and India within the field of 5G, with the aim of identifying actionable recommendations for policymakers and entrepreneurs.


Jonathan Zadka, Consul General of Israel in India

Guy Machlev, Senior R&D Director for BSS, Nokia

Dr. Satish Ananthaiyer, VP of Engineering, 5G RAN, Celona

KPM Das, National Cybersecurity and Trust Officer, India and ASEAN, Cisco

Hosted by:

Manoj Kewalramani, Chairperson, Indo-Pacific Studies Programme, Takshashila Institution


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