Manoj Kewalramani on Global Express: Another BRIC in the wall as PM Modi heads to Joburg?
Indo-Pacific Studies Shrikrishna Upadhyaya Indo-Pacific Studies Shrikrishna Upadhyaya

Manoj Kewalramani on Global Express: Another BRIC in the wall as PM Modi heads to Joburg?

Ssenior journalist Neena Gopal is in discussion with the country's top strategic analysts - Harsh Pant, Professor of International Relations at King’s College, London and Manoj Kewalramani, Chairperson of the Indo- Pacific Research Programme - about the BRICS summit, the dynamics between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Modi and the G20 summit.

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China changes track on BRI amid pandemic
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China changes track on BRI amid pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on China’s and the world economy along with the intensification of geopolitical tensions between China and the US have amplified certain pre-existing risks while also creating some opportunities. In response, the Chinese government has gradually begun to shift its approach to BRI, readjusting its priorities.

In this video, we analyse this shift and outline possible scenarios for BRI in the post-COVID world.

For a detailed analysis, read our research document over here.

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China's aggression in South China Sea amidst the Pandemic
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China's aggression in South China Sea amidst the Pandemic

The South China Sea is an important waterway that connects east and south Asian countries to Europe and Africa.

It is of great commercial importance to various countries.

While all other countries are busy handling the pandemic, the country from where this COVID crisis started is busy in trying to make geopolitical gains in this region.

In our research, we analyse its reasons regarding this and speculate its possible outcomes.

To read in detail, click here.

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