Takshashila Discussion Document - Improving Ease of Doing Business in India

Executive Summary

This discussion document investigates why it is difficult to do business in India. It also looks at the correlation between business growth and unemployment. The document reviews India’s protectionist past and current policies and provides recommendations for improving outcomes.

1.       India ought to be a preferred country to start a business in, considering its huge consumer market, low labour costs, and untapped market potential. However, excessive compliance requirements and poor infrastructure have deterred establishments from expanding and investing.

2.      Since there is a concomitant relationship between ease of doing business and the number of jobs in a country, it is in India’s best interests to ease government policies and encourage establishments to be set up and to flourish. This will increase the number of jobs in the country and offer employment to the burgeoning young population which is currently suffering from massive unemployment and underemployment.




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