Takshashila Discussion SlideDoc - Jammu & Kashmir: The Way Forward

By Takshashila’s Strategic Studies Programme

​Post Article 370 scenario: A worsened security situation in Jammu and Kashmir abetted by Pakistan, exacerbated by the absence of legitimate political channels, a weak economic infrastructure, and an inadequate administrative capacity. Further, this situation is unlikely to change for the better over the next two years. To manage this worsened security situation while rebooting economic and political mechanisms, India’s policy approach should be:

  1. Security: reduce visibility while increasing security over the near term

  2. Economy: build public infrastructure to support private investment

  3. Administration and governance: decentralise and devolve

  4. Politics: return to political normalcy as the security situation improves

  5. Employment and entrepreneurship: remove obstacles to livelihood and entrepreneurship, invest in relationships, build social networks

For each policy approach, the document lists initiatives that the Union government can take up.


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