Takshashila Discussion Document - Examining Biden’s Evolving Indo-Pacific Policy

Executive Summary

This document discusses the evolution of the US’ Indo-Pacific policy following Joe Biden’s victory in November 2020. We argue that Biden has built on his predecessor’s policies, while making substantive and stylistic adjustments. The US’ approach has expanded beyond military partnerships to focus on issues of trade, technology, development and governance. Biden’s policy is premised on the following four approaches:

  • Focusing on domestic economic renewal and building networks of trust for critical goods.

  • Revitalising America’s network of alliances and building new economic and technological partnerships.

  • Crafting a new framework for ties with China, which includes elements of competition and cooperation.

  • Re-structuring US military engagement in the Indo-Pacific under the Pacific Deterrence Initiative.

We conclude that administration's approach creates opportunities for India to attract investments, boost manufacturing, expand its role in global supply chains, and pursue defence modernisation. However, Biden's focus on domestic challenges, his administration's distrust of Russia, and openness to accommodation with China, could create new challenges for India.



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