Takshashila Discussion Document – Defining Dependence-induced Vulnerabilities in Asymmetrical Trade Interdependence: A Conceptual Framework

As the world becomes more economically integrated, a complex web of asymmetric interdependences has emerged, allowing some states to wield disproportionate economic power. Consequently, recourse to economic coercion as a tool for compellence, deterrence or co-optation has become much more frequent in current times.

Debates around dependence-induced strategic and critical vulnerabilities have thus gained traction with an end objective to reduce or mitigate them. But a lack of conceptual framework underpinning the ideas of dependence, vulnerabilities, and strategic and critical vulnerabilities plagues the present decision-making apparatus which runs the risk of treating subjects under each of these categories as synonymous.

To prevent a one-size-fits-all approach emanating from the lack of conceptual differentiation, this paper presents a framework through a series of tests to understand whether trade in a certain commodity between countries can be classified as a critical vulnerability.



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