Takshashila Blue Paper - Charting a New Framework for Data Protection in India

This Blue Paper was prepared as a result of a roundtable discussion organised by the Takshashila Institution on 4 September 2017, based on the Discussion Document, Beyond Consent: A New Paradigm for Data Protection.

The discussion document brings forth a rights-based model (Rights Model) to help secure the interests of a data subject sharing his data with data controllers. This Rights Model assures to every individual, an inalienable right over his personal data. Any data collector that wishes to access a data subject’s personal data must ensure that they do so in a manner that does not violate this inherent data right.

The Blue Paper highlights the recommendations of the all participants at the roundtable discussion, which was chaired by Rahul Matthan.


Takshashila Discussion Document - A Framework for Governing Gene Editing


Takshashila Policy Brief - Governing Gene Editing: An Analytical Framework