Takshashila Policy Brief - Implementing Pune's Parking Policy

In response to the draft public parking policy of Pune Municipal Corporation

Executive Summary

The draft parking policy of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is based on progressive economic and well as urban governance ideas. However, the key to the success of this policy lies in its implementation. This advisory recommends the use of accessible technology along with the adoption of a networked governance model for this purpose.It is essential for consistency and ease of operation for the user that the PMC provide explicit specifications in its terms of contract with the private contractors. The PMC should define the key aspects which concern the users and can leave the implementation of individual systems to the private contractors. The key aspect is that it should be a self-paying, cash-less system. All the policy objectives such as adaptive pricing, peak-hour rates, etc. depends on availability of credible and real- time data. Only a self-paying, cash-less system can ensure this at scale.The public transport system needs to be enhanced before or at the same time as the implementation of this policy. This is especially true for Zone A which will have the highest parking rates. The cooperation of people for this policy (and its success) depends on the improvement in public transport and its perception amongst the people at the time of implementation.



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