Takshashila Discussion Document - China’s Global Security Initiative: Undermining US Alliances or Quest for a New Security Architecture?

Executive Summary

The Global Security Initiative (GSI), along with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Global Development Initiative (GDI), is often discussed as one of China’s three key foreign policy propositions. Since the announcement of GSI by Xi Jinping, thus far, there has been no clear articulation from Beijing of specific measures or projects under the initiative. Nevertheless, Chinese media, analysts and diplomats have sought to flesh out its interpretations and specific actions that could fall under the ambit of GSI. The latter have also sought to win endorsements for GSI from developing countries.

Examining this literature, this document details the objectives, scope and policy implications of the initiative. It concludes that GSI is fundamentally an attempt to discredit US engagement in the Indo-Pacific, while projecting China as a responsible global power. It also concludes that the likely measures under GSI can be classified into the following:

  1. Measures related to the traditional security domain

  2. Measures related to developmental and financial security

  3. Actions to influence global governance norms



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