Takshashila Discussion SlideDoc - An Analytical Framework of Climate Change and National Security

Executive Summary

Climate change has emerged as an important threat multiplier across the world. The instability brought forth by climate change has resulted in natural disasters, droughts and resource shortages in several regions, sometimes resulting in drastic migration of populace.

In the Indian context, the rising river and sea levels due to glacial melt and extreme weather events such as cyclones represent major threats to our country.

Indian armed forces play a major role in supporting civil authorities, providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. Efficient management of climactic changes will require new approaches in our national security and governance systems. Climate-related inputs are now more pertinent than ever and must be a part of strategic calculations of every conflict scenario that our armed forces are preparing for.

The following set of slides provide a framework for analysis which takes into account the various players and conflict types for India. The framework can be used to manage the risks posed by climate change based on data and evidence-based decisions instead of mere predictions so as to be better prepared for any eventualities.

This framework was presented at the Impact of Climate Change on Military Operations, an event organised by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) at the Manekshaw Centre, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi.


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