Takshashila Discussion Document - Nutritional Outcomes in Karnataka: Analysis and Recommendations

Executive Summary

Karnataka needs to improve its nutritional outcomes. There has been little improvement over the last decade in nutrition related health indicators. The percentage of children with stunting has remained largely the same (NFHS 4 :36, NFHS 5:35) and so has the percentage of children with wasting (NFHS 4 :35, NFHS 5:33). Infant Mortality shows no significant improvement. (NFHS 4: 28 per 1000 live births to NFHS 5: 25 per 1000 live birth). The under-five mortality is estimated to be 30 deaths before the five years of age per 1,000 live births (NFHS 5), a slight reduction since NFHS 4 (32 deaths per 1,000 live births).

We analysed existing nutrition indicators along with government interventions. We recommend certain modifications to improve the state of nutrition in the state. First, there is a need to improve data collection and measure the impact of schemes. Second, a reduction in reliance on the overworked Anganwadi Workforce is advised. We also recommend adding and modifying interventions based on current evidence.



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