Takshashila Doctrine Document - A National Security Doctrine For India



बलं शक्ति: | सुखं सिद्धि:|

Strength is power. And well-being is the goal.

(Arthashastra, 6:2-31,32)

1.     To create and defend a conducive environment for Yogakshema (well-being, prosperity, and happiness) of all Indians. At this stage of India’s development, national security is primarily focused on protecting and promoting India’s economic development.

a.     As a Swing Power, we must seek to shape the world’s political, economic, and technological order

b.     And defend India’s interconnectedness with the world

2.     National security also includes protecting the constitutional order, individual liberty, territory, social cohesion, and national resources.

a.     Securing the Republic of India and its institutions

b.     Protecting the rights of all Indians

c.     Comprehensive view of territory including land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace

d.     National strength ultimately derives from social cohesion

e.     Sustain and enhance natural, environmental, and social capital

3.     Amass and project power across all domains.

a.     Develop both continental and maritime power projection capabilities

b.     Develop comprehensive deterrence across all domains

c.     Humane and effective management of internal security

d.     Develop intelligence as a credible instrument of statecraft

4.     Reimagine national security capacity.

a.     Boost the fighting spirit of the armed forces

b.     Federal “whole of government” approach to national security management

c.     Nurture a globally competitive defence technology industry

d.     Build leadership across government that understands the prudent use of power


IDSA Journal Article - Biological Weapons: The Impact of New Technologies


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