Manoj Kewalramani spoke to Ambassador Nirupama Menon Rao on her new book at the Bangalore International Centre
Manoj Kewalramani spoke to Ambassador Nirupama Menon Rao on her new book, “The Fractured Book”, at an event by the Bangalore International Centre on 9th December.
Prateek Waghre appeared in a panel on Virus Contact Tracing Apps
Prateek Waghre appeared on an Internet Governance Forum panel on the use of Contact Tracing Apps during the pandemic. Prateek’s work in the area is centred on a Takshashila Discussion Document titled Technological Interventions for COVID-19 Management: An Analysis.
Pranay Kotasthane quoted on China’s semiconductor industry’s prospects
In an article in the Week, Pranay Kotasthane was quoted on China’s semiconductor industry’s prospects.
Pranay Kotasthane spoke to Ashish Kulkarni of the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
Pranay Kotasthane spoke to Ashish Kulkarni of the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics. Ashish Kulkarni is an Assistant Professor at Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics. They discussed topics ranging from how public policy affects different aspects of our lives, how changing subjects influenced Pranay’s understanding of public policy, what skills complement the study of economics and touched on topics like geopolitics of semiconductors.