Manoj Kewalramani quoted in AFP on China’s call for talks between Russia & Ukraine

Manoj Kewalramani, chair of Indo-Pacific Studies and a fellow at Takshashila Institution, was quoted in AFP. He was quoted as saying:

Friday's document showed Beijing "clearly views the conflict in Ukraine as a product of what it says is Cold War mentality and an outdated European security architecture", said Manoj Kewalramani, a China expert at the Takshashila Institution in Bengaluru, India.

"The concerns reflected in this document are around escalation and spillover effects," he told AFP, adding that Beijing would likely prefer peace talks to focus on "a new European security architecture rather than the war itself".

Read the report here.


Manoj Kewalramani quoted in ABP Live on India- China Foreign Ministers Talks


Manoj Kewalramani quoted in BBC News Hindi on Indo-China relations