Manoj Kewalramani quoted in StratNewsGlobal on BRI’s downturn

Manoj Kewalramani, chair of Indo-Pacific Studies and a fellow at Takshashila Institution, was quoted in StratNewsGlobal. He was quoted as saying:

“Manoj Kewalramani, who heads China studies at the Takshashila Institution, believes the disillusionment with BRI stems ironically from the optimism with which it was initially viewed.

“They believed it would bring them access to easy money and benefits. However, they have later come to realise that this money comes with its own set of strings attached,” he noted. “Chinese investments come with their own set of conditions and have strategic implications for recipient countries. Moreover, the geopolitical environment has changed. China today is different from the China of 2013; it is more assertive and aggressive. Consequently, many Western countries are now discussing de-risking with regard to China.”

Read the report here.


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