Karthik Shashidhar quoted in a piece on the 2014 elections

Takshashila's Resident Quant Karthik Shashidhar quoted in The New York Times on the Indian elections.Live-Blogging the Vote Count in India"Karthik Shashidhar, resident quant specialist at the Takshashila Institution, credited the “Modi wave” in the cluster of states known as the Hindi heartland.I think the exit and opinion polls were very conservative about the estimates of the Bharatiya Janata Party. It’s therefore interesting to see that the B.J.P. is doing much better than what was predicted for them in the opinion and exit polls.I think the Modi wave is very much present especially in the Hindi heartland states like Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The Congress party, at this stage, is likely to dip below 100 seats."Read the rest of the article here.


Nitin Pai participates in Reuters GMF LiveChat on the new Modi govt


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