Takshashila and NIAS cohost the Bangalore launch of "Why India is not a Great Power (Yet)"

The Takshashila Institution and the International Strategic and Security Studies Programme, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) co-hosted the Bangalore launch of Bharat Karnad's new book Why India is not a Great Power (Yet) on 9th October.The discussants were Bharat Karnad, author of the book and Professor of National Security Studies, Centre for Policy Research; Professor S. Chandrashekar, JRD Tata Chair Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, and Nitin Pai, Director, The Takshashila Institution.The discussion began with Prof Karnad discussing the various dimensions of India's hard power. He explained the need for India to form a Triple Monroe Doctrine System in order to acquire a Great Power status.Nitin Pai and Dr Chandrashekar then engaged the author in an interesting discussion on a variety of topics ranging from India's nuclear doctrine to Pakistan, China and Terrorism.Downloads1-001


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