Takshashila and Abba Eban Institute to launch High-Tech Geopolitics: Perspectives from India and Israel discussion series

The Takshashila Institution and the Abba Eban Institute for International Diplomacy are partnering to host a discussion series titled, High-Tech Geopolitics: Perspectives from India and Israel. It will involve a series of webinars exploring the implications of the development of emerging technologies and the geopolitics around them on Indian and Israeli interests. The discussions will feature diplomats, scholars, and entrepreneurs from both countries outlining a roadmap for deeper collaboration on strategic issues related to new technologies.The series will begin on Thursday, January 21, 2021, with sessions every month focusing on specific areas. The list of scheduled events is as follows:High-Tech Geopolitics: Perspectives from India and IsraelI. The Israel & India Relationship: Innovating for the FutureBuilding the foundations for a long-term technology partnership Date & Time: January 21, 2021 @18:30 (IST). Register here: https://bit.ly/IndiaIsrael1II. High-Tech Geopolitics – The 5G ConundrumOpportunities for cooperation in the telecom sector Date & Time: TBAIII. High-Tech Geopolitics – The Chip Challenge Opportunities for cooperation with regard to semiconductor    supply chains Date & Time: TBAIV. High-Tech Geopolitics – The AI Advantage Opportunities for cooperation in fields like AI and Big DataDate & Time: TBAAbout the Takshashila InstitutionThe Takshashila Institution is an independent center for research and education in public policy. It is a non-partisan, non-profit organisation that advocates the values of freedom, openness, tolerance, pluralism and responsible citizenship.The Takshashila Institution seeks to transform India through better public policies, bridging the governance gap by developing better public servants, civil society leaders, professionals and informed citizens.About the Abba Eban InstituteThe Abba Eban Institute for International Diplomacy at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at IDC Herzliya, together with the Samson Chair for Israeli Public Diplomacy, is a proactive research center, working to study, theorise, and eventually help craft an innovative, effective, and proactive diplomatic infrastructure for the State of Israel, in order to strengthen its international relations and diplomatic influence through proactive actions. 


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