Pranay Kotasthane Quoted in Arab News on the India-Nepal Border Issue

Pranay Kotasthane was quoted in an article by Sanjay Kumar in Arab News on 22nd May 2020 in an article discussing the ongoing tussle between Nepal and India on the political boundary between the two states. He was quoted as saying:

The Lipulekh-Kalapani issue itself is not news and has been discussed between India and Nepal many times. But publishing a new map now after the road to Lipulekh was completed is an escalation. Nepal is able to do this because it knows it can play China off against India and get better outcomes from both.Smaller neighbours will try to play off China and India. But they realize that India is the only big power in the immediate vicinity.In terms of strategy, I don’t think this will have a long-term impact. India’s growth benefits all its neighbours. Ultimately, it is power — economic and military — that will make India a bigger player.

Read the full article on Arab News here.


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