Pranay Kotashtane quoted in the CNBC on India’s bid to become a chip powerhouse

Pranay Kotasthane, Deputy Director, Takshashila Institution was quoted in a CNBC article on how India is trying to become a chip manufacturing powerhouse. He was quoted as saying,

“I have no doubt that India has a big role to play,” Kotasthane said.

“India has semiconductor humanpower. Semiconductor design requires large numbers of skilled engineers and this is where India’s strength lies,” he added.

Kotasthane said that of the largest semiconductor firms in the world, eight have design houses in India. While also in the early stages, India is trying to boost its domestic companies to build technology.

“What we are now seeing from the Indian government side is trying to take the next step. We have design centers of international firms, but India doesn’t have a lot of intellectual property, which can be termed Indian ... because these are companies from other countries which are doing this. So now, the next step is the effort to build an ecosystem where there is some Indian IP (intellectual property) by Indian companies,” Kotasthane said.

Read the full article here.


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Pranay Kotasthane appeared on a CNBC Podcast on Semiconductor Geopolitics