Pavan Srinath Quoted in The Economic Times

Pavan Srinath has been quoted in The Economic Times in an article titled “Uber, Ola face cap on surge pricing.”

The article talks about India’s recent endeavour to introduce a maximum cap to monitor surge pricing for major cab aggregators like Uber and Ola in an effort to protect consumer interests.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Pavan Srinath, fellow, smart city governance, Takshahila Institution, however, held that the government should not get into price determination but instead focus on lowering entry barriers so as to ease the supply situation. "There should be no cap. Already, people who are travelling in non-peak hours are subsidising passengers when roads are congested. The government should instead focus on lowering entry barriers so that more and more vehicles and drivers can get on to such platforms."

The full article can be found here.


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