Pavan Srinath's initiative "Know Your Climate" featured in The Economic Times

Takshashila's Pavan Srinath quoted in The Economic Times on a piece on individuals who are contributing to making smarter cities.Groups, individuals work on smart moves to make smart cities ""Indian school education often focuses on the climate and geography of India and the world, but we never learn enough about how things work in our city or town," said Pavan Srinath, who runs Know Your Climate, a not-for-profit that was started in 2011 to tell data-driven stories on Bengaluru's weather and climate.Know Your Climate has five weather stations up and running — 25 more to come up by the end of this year, to start recording high quality, granular weather data from the city.Once the data is collected, Know Your Climate aims to build apps that tell people when to commute or when to bring with them an umbrella or a jacket. The group also wants to set up stations on schools in the future, such that students learn geography and climate by understanding the weather in their in own schools."


Karthik Shashidhar quoted in a piece on voter lists.


Nitin Pai quoted on free speech and expression