Manoj Kewalramani quoted in an India Today article on COVID-19 relief supplies from China

Manoj Kewalramani was quoted in an India Today article on COVID-19 relief supplies from China.  Speaking of how China stands to benefit from India's COVID-19 crisis, Manoj said:

The crisis in India allows China to gain commercially through sale of medical supplies, equipment and therapeutics and geopolitically by highlighting its goodwill, willingness and capacity to address the needs of countries in the region, and its reliability and centrality in key supply chains.There has been significant outreach from the Chinese government since late April. It is clear that Beijing would like to play an active and public role in assisting India deal with the second wave. This, of course, is driven by its own interest calculations. Thus far, all deliveries from China have been a result of commercial deals. This aspect, however, has generally been either omitted or downplayed in public communication. In saying this, it is important to note that Beijing has sent clear signals that it would like extend government-level support and aid, but it appears that the Indian side has been reluctant to go down that road.

You can read the full article here.


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