Aditya Ramanathan quoted in Arab News on the expectations from the G20 leaders’ summit in New Delhi

Aditya Ramanathan, Research Fellow and head of Advanced Military Technologies Programme at the Takshashila Institution was quoted in Arab News. He was quoted as saying:

“India has lavished more attention on the G20 than any other host country in the past. This obviously means that all the main events are more high profile and are likely to generate good press for India,”

“The G20 is much more divided today than it was a few years ago,” he said.

“Global politics has changed dramatically since 2020 because of three factors: the pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, and China’s worsening ties with several countries.”

Read the full report here.


Manoj Kewalramani quoted in Arab News on the expectations from the G20 leaders’ summit in New Delhi


Manoj Kewalramani interviewed by Interpreting India podcast