Changes to the Takshashila Council & Trustees

For personal reasons, Prof Mukul Asher and Dr V Anantha Nageswaran have expressed a desire to step down from all their responsibilities at the Takshashila Institution. Prof Asher was a Councillor and Dr Anantha Nageswaran was a trustee.With great reluctance, Takshashila has agreed to accede to their request. We wish to place on record our deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for their contribution to the growth of the institution since its founding in 2009.Dr Anantha Nageswaran and the Takshashila Institution will continue to collaborate on specific research and teaching initiatives as they arise.In view of the expansion of the scope and number of its activities, the institution is pleased to announce the appointment of two exemplary individuals — Prof M Govinda Rao and Mr Anand Arni — to its Council.Prof Rao is former Director of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, and Member of the 14th Finance Commission, and the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister. He has served on several advisory panels such as Member, Expert Committee on Multilevel Planning, Planning Commission. Rao’s research interests include public finance and fiscal policy, fiscal federalism, and state and local finance. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank, and the UNDP.Mr Arni was formerly Special Secretary in the Research & Analysis Wing. A career intelligence officer, he served in India’s external intelligence agency for 37 years, retiring in 2012 as the number two. In the R&AW, he spent over 25 years in dealing with issues related to Pakistan and Afghanistan. He has also dealt with counter-insurgency in the Northeast and was a part of the team sent to Kandahar to negotiate with the hostage takers of IC 814.Post-retirement, he continues to focus on India’s western neighbours. He is senior advisor to our geo-strategy programme.These changes are with immediate effect.


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