Anushka Saxena quoted in Radio Free Asia on China’s naming of 30 places

Anushka Saxena, Research Analyst with Takshashila’s Indo-Pacific Studies Programme, was quoted in Radio Free Asia on China’s naming of locations in Arunachal Pradesh.

She was quoted as saying “China believes that it can continue to repeat that India’s territory is its own by assigning names to every small village, hill and water body in the region, in Chinese characters and Pinyin. The move is an exercise in rewriting history. With continued reiterating, it hopes that the nomenclature will slowly seep into how countries and officials refer to these areas.”

Read the full article here.


Lt. Gen. (Retd) Prakash Menon quoted in The Reporters’ Collective


Khyati Pathak, Anupam Manur and Pranay Kotasthane appeared on The Seen and The Unseen podcast