Anupam Manur quoted in Hindustan Times on India's SPR

Anupam Manur was quoted in an article by Rahul Jayaswal, Senior editor of Hindustan Times on India's buildup of oil reserves.He said "Filling up the existing storage capacity in our refineries and underground caverns were low-hanging fruit and fortunately, the government promptly acted upon it. However, we missed the trick by not being ready with the Phase-II of our SPR plans, which could have added 12 days of storage capacity.β€β€œEven now, we could gain by looking at other opportunities for storage - building over ground tankers within India and leasing storage space in other countries such as Sri Lanka, Oman, or UAE. In any case, we should seriously consider building extra capacity to be ready when the next opportunity presents itself,” he added.Read the full story here


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