Aditya Ramanathan quoted in Arab News on the review of the 18th G20 summit

Aditya Ramanathan, Research Fellow and head of Advanced Military Technologies Programme at the Takshashila Institution was quoted in Arab News. He was quoted as saying:

“It is clearly a triumph of Indian diplomacy and a testament to India’s position in the world today,” he told Arab News.

“What we’re seeing is India very consciously raising its diplomatic stature and demonstrating that it can lead as well as shape complex multilateral negotiations.

“India has thus far been successful at leveraging its position in a divided world. However, this is a tricky game and India will need to play its cards cleverly to maintain and expand its diplomatic influence in the future.”

Read the full report here.


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Manoj Kewalramani quoted in Arab News on the expectations from the G20 leaders’ summit in New Delhi