Network for Advanced Study of China (NASC) Fellowship
Meet the 2024-25 Cohort of NASC Fellowship
Programme Overview
The Network for Advanced Study of China (NASC) aims to create high quality scholarship and knowledge of the People’s Republic of China by nurturing new generations of analysts in academia, think tanks, media and industry. The aims of the programme are to train and nurture a cross-disciplinary community of outstanding scholars over a period of three years and create a body-of-knowledge that will inform policy, strategy, economics, technology and society.
The NASC Fellowship
The NASC Fellowship offers opportunities for analysts and scholars to work under the co-guidance of foremost experts and work towards a publication in the leading journals and publications in the field. It includes a two-day conference/workshop in Bengaluru, and financial support for participation in international conferences. In addition, a cash prize of 1 lakh will be awarded to select papers determined by the jury. The duration of the fellowship is one year.
Who Should Apply
NASC invites applications from researchers from any background, including from universities, research institutes, media, government services and industry, who are enthusiastic about undertaking fresh research on China.
NASC fellows will undertake research in one or more of the following areas: inner-party politics & governance, economy, defence, geopolitics, environment, education, technology, society, and urbanisation.
Prospective fellows must either be working or studying in India, and must have at least an undergraduate degree and be proficient in English.
NASC Fellowship Process
Prospective fellows must submit a brief research proposal demonstrating their interest and capability to complete the project. The proposal (1000 words maximum) should clearly state the current gaps in research and how the author(s) would approach the issue. Along with the research proposal submission, the author(s) must also send a past writing sample, either published or unpublished, on any topic that is more than 1000 words.
Up to three authors can submit a joint proposal. Multidisciplinary approaches and collaborations are encouraged.
Selected applicants will be invited to join the fellowship, assigned mentors and projects. The best research output will be rewarded with cash prizes and commendations.
The application window for the second NASC Fellowship Cohort is now open!
April 17th, 2024 – Call for Indications of Interest (https://forms.gle/8A35V5wRkbBV9dck8)
May 31st, 2024 – Research proposal submission deadline
June 30th, 2024 – Evaluation & selection of fellows
July 1st, 2024 – Start of NASC fellowship
August 15th, 2024 – Submission of first draft of papers
End of August (tentative) – Two-day residential workshop in Bangalore. This will feature sessions on understanding China, conducting open-source research, research methodologies, brief presentations by the fellows on their papers to their mentors, and the first round of feedback
October 31st 2024 – Submission of second draft paper
November 30th, 2024 – Formal feedback on the second draft by the mentor
February 15th, 2025 – Submission of the third and final draft of the papers
End March-early April 2025 (tentative) – Two-day Academic Conference with presentations by fellows on their research (announcement of the top research paper awardees will be at this Conference)
Prof. Alka Acharya
Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Honorary Director, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi
Pranay Kotasthane
Deputy Director, Takshashila Institution and Chairperson, Takshashila High-Technology Geopolitics Programme
Jude Blanchette
Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC
Dr. Jabin Jacob
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University
Aditya Ramanathan
Research Fellow, Takshashila Institution and Chairperson, Takshashila Advanced Military Technologies Programme
Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Dr. Prakash Menon
Director, Strategic Studies Programme, Takshashila Institution
Dr. B.R. Deepak
Professor, China and Chinese Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Dr. Nithiyanandam Yogeswaran
Professor and Head of Takshashila Institution’s Geospatial Policy Programme
Manoj Kewalramani
Programme Head, NASC Fellowship and Chairperson, Indo-Pacific Studies Programme, Takshashila Institution
Dr. Shambhavi Naik
Head of Research, Takshashila Institution and Chairperson, Takshashila Advanced Biology Programme
Our Mentors
Dr. Pradeep Taneja
Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne
Air Marshal TD Joseph AVSM VM VSM (Retd.)
Senior Air Staff Officer HQ TC (retd. in 2021)
Anupam Manur
Associate Professor, Takshashila Institution
Reach Out
Please write to nasc@takshashila.org.in for any requests and clarifications.