Sachin Kalbag’s Speech on Freedom of Speech & Expression at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai

Sachin Kalbag, Senior Fellow at Takshashila Institution, delivered a speech on freedom of speech and expression in India on August 14, 2023, upon invitation by St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai for their annual pan-India college festival Malhar. Sachin, a journalist of 29 years, drew from his rich experience and elaborated on the media’s responsibility in a democratic country:

“What we need to be sceptical about, is government — not this government or that government. Just government. We also need to be suspicious about a media that does not question government and gives it a free hand in doing what it wants.

What is the fundamental responsibility – in fact, the only responsibility – of the media in any democracy? It is to hold people accountable, to act as a check-and-balance against injustice, against unfair practices, against excesses, against morally disdainful and legally wrong acts of those in power. Or powerful people. The media should talk for you and me, as our representative, not that of people in power.”

Read the full speech here.


Event Report | Takshashila Ideas Shala Aug’ 23


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