#BookLounge: December in Dacca

We are pleased to invite you to a #BookLounge featuring December in Dacca. The author, K S Nair will be in conversation with Aditya Ramanathan, Research Fellow at the Takshashila Institution.

About The Book:

From the dramatic dogfight over Boyra to the cornering of Pakistani naval vessels at Karachi to the Indian helicopter-riding infantry and paratroopers forcing the enemy to retreat, the book retells the many thrilling anecdotes, setting them within their diplomatic, strategic and tactical contexts of the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War.

It also provides a glimpse into the lives of some of these heroes once the dust had settled. Most importantly, it offers thoughts on why the events of 1971 are not better known, and how a better understanding of those could help India reaffirm her sense of self.


Roundtable with Prof. Devesh Kapur


#BookLounge: Studies in Indian Public Finance